
Leftover Chilli Mushroom

Leftovers are great, aren't they?

Whether an instant meal, reheated, or the start of a new one, leftovers give us the chance to apply our creative minds to put together a different dish from an already cooked dish.

Of course, you could just heat it up and eat it ... or you could put it with something else.

Too little for a full meal? Pad it out, or make a tasty starter!

Using leftover Winter Chilli, I put it over a large mushroom, topped with cheese and some Greek yoghurt for a starter.

Simply pop your large mushrooms on a griddle until the liquid boils up through, flip them and press them down to evaporate all the liquid but retain the flavour, load up with Chilli, top with cheese and sit them under the grill for a minute or two.

Crown with Greek yoghurt and eat.