
Griddled Swordfish with Spicy Pepper Sauce

Who's for some steak? Swordfish steak?

Swordfish is a fantastic fish, thick, juicy, meaty and very much the same sort of pleasure as eating a good fillet steak.

Naysayers would tell us that we shouldn't eat this often since it's high in mercury and mercury is bad for our organs and blah blah blah ... good job we don't swallow conventional wisdom easily, because it turns out that nature already sorted this out for us.

The short version? Selenium protects against over-ingestion of mercury ... and, guess what ... swordfish is rich in selenium, as is all seafood.

So, as our ancestors would have done, completely and utterly unarmed with institutionalist nonsense, let's just eat this gorgeous fish, enjoy it and not worry one bit.

Swordfish works so very well with a spicy pepper sauce, so let's get that started.

Coconut oil into a skillet and half a shredded red onion softening, pour in a carton of chopped tomatoes. Give it a generous teaspoon of tomato purée and get it boiling down.

Shred a romano pepper - you know, those long, sweet red peppers, and toss into the pan along with a couple of shredded chillies and a few cloves of minced garlic.

Lower the heat and let it simmer away, improving all the flavours as they play together. Reduce and thicken.

I like something green, too, so went with a steamed courgette.

I also halved some brined black olives to sprinkle over the sauce.

Warm your griddle pan through and pop the swordfish steaks onto it - a few minutes each side is sufficient to cook through, yet retain that meatiness without overcooking.

Serve out ...

Good helping of the sauce, the steak alongside, slice of lemon, courgette over and the black olives over the sauce.