
Griddled Swordfish with Broccoli Cheese Bake

Fast becoming my favourite pre-Fencing protein, swordfish is a fantastic fish, thick, juicy, meaty and very much the same sort of pleasure as eating a good fillet steak.

Naysayers would tell us that we shouldn't eat this often since it's high in mercury and mercury is bad for our organs and blah blah blah ... good job we don't swallow conventional wisdom easily, because it turns out that nature already sorted this out for us.

The short version? Selenium protects against over-ingestion of mercury ... and, guess what ... swordfish is rich in selenium, as is all seafood.

So, as our ancestors would have done, completely and utterly unarmed with institutionalist nonsense, let's just eat this gorgeous fish, enjoy it and not worry one bit.

Before griddling our fish ...

Take a small broccoli floret per person and try to cut them through the stalk in a way which gives large flat surfaces. If you do it just right, you can divide a floret into three, straight down the stalk.

Steam the florets for a few minutes until al dente.

Lay the floret pieces out in a shallow ovenproof dish, scatter over some shredded red onion, leek, garlic, chilli, then pour over some cream and top with grated cheddar.

Pop this into the oven for 10-15 minutes, grinding some black pepper over and crunching some sea salt over upon retrieval.

Back up! If dairy is not a part of your paleo/primal template then don't do it. Simply steamed and then laid out on the plate with a squeeze of lemon juice and a splash of extra virgin olive oil would do absolutely perfectly. Maybe some shredded bacon over?

Meanwhile, heat up your griddle pan and get the swordfish cooking through.

Serve out ... simple as ...