
Steamed Pollock over Scattered Warm Salad

... another "Fish over Scattered Real Food" dish.

This method really is easy to do and easy to get all the food together at the same point for serving.

Real food can stand being slightly underdone and even slightly overdone, so conventional cooking times do go out of the window ... but ... as a general rule of thumb, veggies cut into slices need little more than three or four minutes steamed, soft veggies maybe a couple of minutes and fish (steamed) around six.

You can see that real food can be cooked and plated in a really short time with minimal effort expended.

It's the little details that elevate a "plate of real food" - pleasing placement, arrangement, and then the garnish and accents.

Here, I grabbed a bunch of food: kale, spinach, courgette, carrots, a leftover baked potato and a few strawberries that needed eating up. Fruit goes well with fish - grapefruit and orange with the likes of salmon and trout, sharp, bitter fruit like rhubarb with mackerel and herring, sweeter fruits like watermelon and strawberry with white fish.

So, carrot peeled and sliced, courgette peeled into ribbons and set into a steamer, spinach and kale softened in a frying pan with butter, and potato simply cut into wedges and fried off in goose fat.

The egg was poached in a ramekin and the fish steamed. I went with a couple of fillets of pollock each. Pollock is a white fish, similar in structure to haddock.

Dish arranged through artistic scattering and garnished with caviar, we're ready to eat.

What a phenomenal combination of flavours and textures!