
Parcel Baked Pollock with Roasted Roots

Parcel Baked Pollock with Roasted Roots
Pretty much a repeat of last evening's dinner, tonight, an Atlantic white fish: Pollock.

First, get your oven on pre-heating. Set it to 200C.

My fish was frozen, having forgotten to defrost it, so it'll need about 40 minutes; the roots around 30. If your fish is defrosted, it won't want more than 20 minutes, so roots in first, then the fish in that case.

Make up a parcel for the fish. Ovenproof paper or kitchen foil is perfect. Put in flavours which will compliment the fish: fennel, lemon and wild garlic here, for white fish. Butter, too, which will make a sauce with the fish cooking juices.

Commit the parcel to the oven.

Peel and cut up the roots. I went with carrot and swede. Lay them on a tray with your favourite cooking fat: yes, all together now ... "goose fat, for me" ... and into the oven for half an hour.

Meanwhile prepare any other veggies you want. Cauli and some green beans here, which I'll steam about 10 minutes from the end of cooking.

Ready to eat?

Plate up with the veggies down as the base, retrieve the fish and gently lay over, pouring the cooking juices over. Garnish with some 'erbs.