
Pan-Fried Sea Bass with Peppers

Quick and easy ...

I've no recipe, since this genuinely was "grab all the real food you can find and put it all together".

I used red cabbage, green pepper, red pepper, yellow pepper, swede, orange, sea bass and a spinach pesto.

If you want to make a direct repeat, make up the pesto with spinach, hazelnuts, cider vinegar, olive oil, sea salt and black pepper. Blend.

Boil the cabbage, steaming the swede over the top.

When you're ready to eat, get some of your favourite paleo fat melting in a skillet, colour up the swede chips and retrieve.

In the same pan, fry the peppers. Retrieve.

Warm the cabbage through.

Pan fry the sea bass fillets.

Peel and segment an orange - orange goes so well with sea bass.

Plate up.