Only one way to find out ...
Steam some cauliflower - one head is fine for two people and a good quantity to blend with half an avocado, which will deliver the flavour and colour.
Take half an avocado and place it in a blending pot with some feta cheese. I got the tip that feta cheese can give a slight graininess, reminiscent of mashed potato. Blending these two ingredients together forms a firm, dry paste.
Once the cauliflower has steamed to a soft consistency remove the lid and allow the steam to escape. This step is important so as not to end up with a wet mash.
Once the steam has really died down but the heat is still within the cauliflower, spoon it in the blending pot.
Cover with some grated cheddar cheese - mild, uncoloured is perfect.
Blend together!
Check for consistency. Too sloppy? Add more cheese. Too firm, add in a little more avocado.
Once you reach a consistency that can be served out onto a plate without losing its shape altogether, you've got the right consistency.
Salt to taste - the cheese should give just enough saltiness to offset the other ingredients, but add in a little sea salt if need be.
Taste-wise, it is a little like a firm guacamole and granted, green mash is not everybody's idea of an appetising looking meal, but it is tasty.
But, what to eat it with?
Well, fusion is always fun, so taking the concept of British Bangers & Mash, how about just drop a few sausages on top? Maybe some soured cream over?
I went for spicy sausages and a thick chilli sauce accompanied by a light salad.
... maybe something for Hallowe'en? Fingers? Blood? Green slime?