
Green Soup & Poached Trout

Milestone! 500 posts!

What a great dish to mark such a milestone; a dish I make a lot, yet its simplicity, its vagueness in ingredients and method has left it on the sidelines rather than as any star attraction in my recipes.

Time to big it up for the Green Soup!

Green Soup is my use-up dish.

We had cauliflower the other day, so stalks and leaves reserved, turnip the other day, too, which left after preparation left me with a few odd sized chunks and tonight, we're having broccoli ... so ...

All those leftovers, bits, offcuts and trimmings simply get sautéed in butter in a large soup pan along with something oniony ... leek greens and a little of the white, here, bouillon added and topped with water.

Garlic in, some black pepper and perhaps a little more sea salt to flavour just right and we're done.

After a light boil for 10 or 15 minutes, the whole lot is blended up with a hand blender.

If you want to make this up from scratch, simple sauté off some chopped onion or leek, then, pretty much any green veg.

The soup could be served like that: a fantastic bowl of vitamin K.

Better, drop in some protein ...

I had some poached trout sitting in a bowl in the fridge that was simply flaked and dropped into the soup when serving.

Naturally, any protein is fine: chicken, white fish, salmon, perhaps prawns ...

... a great little starter.