
Pulled Pork

Pulled Pork
I made full use of the oven while yesterday's duck legs were cooking ...

Again, slathered in Discovery Chipotle Sauce, some paprika, black pepper, cayenne pepper and garlic powder, the first couple of hours at 180C really cooked this pork shoulder joint through.

Dropping the heat to 125C for another three hours, the pork literally fell apart with little more than the press of a spoon.

Shredded and settled into the fridge overnight, re-heated with a little water in a frying pan and some fresh herbs, we've got tonight's dinner already made.

Just a simple coleslaw of white cabbage, grated carrot, grated cheese, shredded spring onion, Hellmann's Mayonnaise, Coleman's English Mustard and some black pepper and we're ready to eat!

Pulled pork, coleslaw on a base of red pepper:

Pulled Pork