
Devilled Eggs

I'll call them Devilled Eggs, but they're probably more like fyllda ägg, Swedish stuffed eggs.

Dead simple and so versatile ... starter, light main or just a snack.

Boil some eggs, peel, cool, chop in half and collect the yolks in a bowl.

Now, combine them with whatever flavours you want - the options are literally limitless.

I creamed them together with some English mustard - fiery, yellow and not bitter like German or American mustard, tossed in some minced capers, some black pepper and a little sea salt, chilli juice and lemon juice.

Stir together all your flavours and scoop the egg yolks back into the whites.

Garnish however you wish - sprinkle some chilli powder over, chives, parsley; I went with a lot of chopped dill.

Now what? Eat 'em!