
Easy as Cheesecake

More primal than paleo, because it's practically all dairy, but even paleo purists seem to be warming to good dairy.

Seriously, this is so easy to make, even a fellow who'd just overindulged in sensible indulgences can put this together ... and I'm not talking eating too much chocolate :)

You need:

Some cream cheese - check the ingredients, coz Philadephia is NOT primal. Cream Cheese which lists the ingredients and milk is what you want.

Some soured cream - again, check the ingredients ... blah blah blah ... cream needs to be the ingredient. Soured cream adds the tang that cheesecake needs without spoiling the vanilla flavour with lemon juice.

Some honey - check your sources. Much honey is cut with HFCS nowadays, so get your honey from a local apiary that you know collects their honey from their hives. Honey is a superb sweetener, packed with all manner of complex health goodies - it's more than just a sweetener!

There is an important note here about honey. Is it primal? Would something like agave nectar be better?

Well, I'll link to a few resources and you can make your own mind up:

... and so:
http://www.marksdailyapple.com/is-honey-a-safer-sweetener/ ... I tend to think so.

Vanilla essence - or, vanilla seeds extracted from a pod. I only had essence in, so that's what I used.

Gluten-free biscuit. Fauxfood, I know (after all the care I took over my sweetener), but I lacked the inspiration to whip up a nutty base at that time of night but reckon something like crushed hazelnuts, macadamia nuts and maybe a little butter would do the trick.

Hand whisk.

Get to it!

2/3 cream cheese, 1/3 soured cream, touch of honey, whisk like the clappers until it stands up. Get the bowl in a headlock to work the core and swap hands part way through to ensure an even workout. Yes, I mean a hand whisk, not an electric whisk you hold in your hand!

[I've done this a few times since (without any base) using Greek yoghurt, goat yoghurt and double cream ... that 2 parts cream cheese to 1 part something creamy works out perfect. When using soured products, like soured cream or yoghurt, the right bitterness is imparted. Using straight cream, some tartness can be imparted with some sour berries on top ... bilberries are perfect; for US readers, these are related to wild blueberries.]

Form your base in a Chef's ring and spoon the mixture over. Pop into the fridge to set.

When ready to eat, retrieve from the fridge, warm the metal ring with your body heat and allow the cake to slide out. The cheesecake will set in about an hour, so this is something that can be made and eaten the same evening.

Eat, enjoy, feel fantastic!