
Pan Fried Coley with Diced Vegetables

Pan Fried Coley with Diced Vegetables
Tuesday night ... fencing, tonight, so I need a light, yet satisfying dish of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Coley is a white fish, not dissimilar to cod but less flake to the structure. Curiously, it is referred to as Pollock in North America but it is a distinct species of fish.

At something like 90% protein to 10% fat, Coley gives us that good pack of protein and can stand a little more fat of our choice in the dish.


Fish - Coley and lard ... then, butter and sumac

Veg - diced potato, carrot, onion, celery, spring onion, green pepper, red pepper and peas, goose fat, parsley, sea salt and black pepper

Sauce - Maggi Chilli Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, lemon juice and sea salt

Fried Egg - egg and butter

Diced Veg

First, soften some of your favourite paleo fat in a skillet (goose fat, for me) and toss in diced potato, carrot, onion, celery, spring onion, green pepper, red pepper and peas. Sea salt to taste and black pepper. Fold in chopped parsley.

Cook on for maybe ten minutes ...

Chilli Sauce

Combine Maggi Chilli Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, lemon juice and sea salt.


Scale, gut, skin and fillet your fish.

... melt a little lard in a skillet and lay the fish fillets into the pan on the presentation side. Cook on the presentation side for maybe three or four minutes, sufficient time for the fish to go opaque up to about half way through the thickness of the fillet.

Flip over and cook on for another three or four minutes. Set aside in the hot pan while you fry off an egg.

Once served, the fish will have an extra slab of butter on top and some sumac for flavour.

Sumac. Sub-tropical and temperate shrubs which grow predominantly across Africa and North America producing a reddish spice with a curious zesty flavour used in Middle Eastern cuisine, primarily.


Fry off an egg in a little butter.

Everything is better with a fried egg on top.


Diced veggies down, fish on top garnished with more butter and sumac, egg alongside, sauce also.

Gorgeous! Primed and ready, I'm off fencing ...