Some things just go so well together, it is a crime to put anything else on the plate.
My apologies for the serious depth of focus fail, but I've been leant a rather fine Nikon D90 camera from a friend and I popped a 24mm Macro lens on which opens right up to 2.8. Even at 3.2, or whatever this is, it's still very focussed.
You get the picture, though ...
Pork tenderloin and apples is classic! Here's to criminality - I used squash instead. Why? I've nothing against apples, but did have a squash that needed using - a Coquina squash. For paleo palates, it's sweet enough.
First, peel and slice the squash. Get it in the oven at about 200C and roast it. I placed the squashes in some beef dripping and turned them over after about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, brown off the pork in a skillet and cook it over for about 10 minutes.
Once the squashes have been turned over, transfer the pork to the oven for 10 minutes, then remove to rest for a further 10 minutes while the squash finishes off.
That's 40 minutes in total for the squash, after 10, start the pork, after 10 minutes of cooking the pork on the hob, transfer to the oven for another 10 minutes, remove and cook the squash on for a further 10 minutes while the pork rests.
Got it?
You've a gravy to make too ...
Some chicken stock and a small, but significant amount of English cooking apple along with some garlic to stew throughout the cooking time. Sieve off. Done.
I also served some shredded cavolo nero, or black kale, which was lightly steamed.
Damn good eating!