
Spring Lamb Salad

New Season Lamb is a joy!

You know spring has well and truly sprung when spring lamb hits the Butchers'.

Such a treat should be accompanied by a celebration of spring tastes - rocket, spring onion, artichoke hearts, fennel, chicory; and all manner of good things that go with lamb, offsetting any heaviness in the meat and fat - feta, horseradish, beetroot.

First, the lamb ...

Cook, according to the instructions - I got some little steaks which needed little more than a flash in a grill pan.

Meanwhile, build up the dish ...

Take a handful of rocket and layer up with shaved fennel, shredded spring onions, some sliced chicory and some slices of pickled  beetroot. Place a few artichoke hearts in the middle, for the sake of simplicity having bought prepared ones in cans ... or prepare them yourself.

Make up a horseradish cream with minced horseradish, a touch of lemon juice, yoghurt and some freshly chopped mint, lathered over the artichokes and salad.

Lay the lamb pieces over the artichokes.

Garnish the salad with cubes of feta, pecans, slivers of pickled garlic, a good grind of black pepper and a general swirl of extra virgin olive oil.

Spring on a plate!