
Bubble & Squeak

Known by many names, from Irish Colcannon, Scots Clapshot, Dutch Stamppot to Hash in the United States, not a million miles away from Hash Browns, Bubble & Squeak is quite probably something you already know how to cook.

Simply combine some mashed potato with some cabbage, form into patties, fry off in some beef dripping and that's about it.

Make up some mashed potato by boiling a good masher, like Maris Piper, until soft, then mash butter into it, finally whipping up a little with a spatula. Get right in there and get a good arm workout!

Some shredded greens, cabbage, kale, whatever ... cool both overnight.

With the cold ingredients, fold together and fold in some chopped spring onions - this is a seasonal Bubble & Squeak with all the ingredients right in season.

If possible, chill again to harden up the patties.

Using a good slice of beef dripping softened in a skillet, gently lay the patties in to fry off. Leave them on one side for a couple of minutes and gently turn over. If need be, transfer to the oven to fully cook through, but I think you'll find this is enough.

Dripping has a high smoke point (something like 280C) and checking the figures on the Rancimat analysis can be continuously fried for something like 40 hours before it becomes oxidised.

Now, that is a fat! That is a fat fit for paleo!

So, what to serve it with? Well, everything is better with bacon and eggs, right?

Fry some bacon, fry or poach an egg, serve together and enjoy!